Lookingfor an exciting adventure to spice up your boring evening? Or would you like to unwind yourself watching fire in a log house in the middle of quiet forests?

a knowledgeable forest expert and local guide who knows all about Koyasan will lead you into the forests safely.
*The walking route is determined based on the current condition of the forest.

by the fragrance of the thick night air, gazing at the stars and feeling the presence of the forests' inhabitants, you will be thrilled and excited! Catch a glimpse of the different appearance from the daytime, the ever-changing state of the forests!
After a light (or moderate) walk, enjoy a relaxing time over a cup of special tea. It will surely be an unforgettable memory!
料金 Price
- Fee and payment: ¥4,400 per person* (Including tax).
- 料金・お支払いはお一人様¥4,400*(内消費税 400円)
*Minimum age: 10 最低年齢:10歳
開催日時 Day and Time: 2月 / February 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28
Please register by clicking the red button below by 12pm on the day of participation.
Languages: Japanese and English 対応言語:日本語・英語
- Sneakers/trekking shoes or equivalent ones and comfortable outfit are required.
- スニーカー/トレッキングシューズまたは同等の靴と快適な服装が必要です。
- Ending time is subject to change due to weather conditions. Please make sure the bathing hours of your lodging.
- 終了時間は天候等により変更となる場合がございます。 宿泊施設の入浴時間をご確認ください。

- Meeting place: The parking lot of Shinrin Koen Forest Park (*Free transportation is available. See the map.)
- 集合場所:森林公園駐車場(※無料送迎あり。地図をご参照ください)
- How to join: Please show up at the meeting place at 6:45pm.
- 参加方法:午後6時45分に集合場所にお越しください。
- Free transportation for Shinrin Koen Forest Park from/to Koyasan Shukubo Temple Lodging Association, Central Office is available at 6:30. Those who’d like the ride please be there by this time.
- ※高野山宿坊協会 中央案内所~森林公園の無料送迎は午後6時30分です。乗車ご希望の方はこの時間までに高野山宿坊協会 中央案内所前までお越しください。
Click here for registration
そちらよりWAKUDOKI forest hike をお選びください)
そちらよりWAKUDOKI forest hike をお選びください)